We have a non-winner.  Ticket #2413 lost out on $752.00.
 Blue Boxes are collected first thing on Monday and the draw takes place on Wednesday evening.  These results were posted on February 12th 2025.
NOTICE: There are two ways to play the Gold Mine. You can put a toonie in a Blue Box or pre-pay on-line. NB residents who have registered a number can pre-pay with a credit card and be automatically entered in each draw as long as there is a balance of at least $2 before midnight each Sunday.
To do so, go to: https://sackvillerotarygoldmine.ca/, follow the instructions, claim your profile, add some funds and you're done.
Club Information

Welcome to
the Rotary Club of Sackville


Service Above Self


Gatherings are at 7:30 am on Thursdays

at the Visitor Information Centre

34 Mallard Drive


E-mail: RotaryClubofSackville@gmail.com for details.

Duty Roster
Venue Map
Gold Mine Winners
As part of the Rotary Club of Sackville's 90th anniversary celebrations, the club will be encouraging each other, their friends and family to participate in our 90 Act of Kindness in celebration of our 90 years. And we are inviting the communities that we are a part of to join in. Every day for 90 days starting June 7th, the Rotary Club of Sackville will post an act of kindness as inspiration on both our Facebook  and our  Instagram pages. We are asking everyone to get involved by sharing their acts or, if you've had someone show kindness to you, please thank them at #RotarySackville NB #90ActsFor90Years and #TimeToBeKind on our Facebook page and or Instagram. Show your community, family, friends and yourself that you care through kindness.
As part of the club’s 90th anniversary celebrations we asked Charlie, our club historian, if he would author a supplement to the 1931-2011 edition, but during the process we decided to instead create a new edition.
The club recently printed copies of this new edition which are available at no cost to members, former members and Friends of Rotary.
For those further afield or unable to obtain a printed copy you can access this new edition online.
This publication would not have been possible with out former member, past president and now honorary member Leslie Van Patter’s graphic design and publishing skills.
On May 11th, the Club had its first in-person meeting since March 2020 due to the pandemic. Left to right behind masks and socially-distanced are Bill, Marita, Steve, Edna, David, Morgan, Wynn, Dianne and Louise plus photographer Sue. Thanks Steve for getting us together at the Sackville Memorial Park followed by a walk around the Sackville Waterfowl Park.
At the Council meeting of May 3rd, 2021, Deputy Mayor Ron Aiken, made the following proclamation:
Whereas the Rotary Club of Sackville was chartered on June 2nd  1931; and
Whereas it is one of over 32,000 Rotary clubs in 200 countries with over 1.2 million members; and
Whereas for 90 years, in accordance with its motto of “Service Above Self”, the club has served this community in a multitude of ways; and
Whereas the Rotary wheel logo marks facilities within this town provided by the Rotary Club including, the Lillas Fawcett Rotary Park in Middle Sackville; and
Whereas as part of Rotary International, and through the agency of the Rotary Foundation, the Rotary Club of Sackville has tirelessly supported Rotary's areas of focus: Peace and Conflict Resolution, Disease Prevention, Water and Sanitation, Maternal and Child Care, Education and Literacy, Local Economies, and the Environment; and
Whereas the Rotary Club of Sackville has designated over 60 persons in Sackville as Paul Harris fellows in recognition of their outstanding service to the community;
Therefore I, Ron Aiken, Deputy Mayor of the Town of Sackville, do hereby proclaim June 2021 “Rotary Club of Sackville Month” in the Town of Sackville.
Dedication of Sackville Methodist Churches Memorial Bell
112 Main Street, Sackville, N.B.
Sunday 13th September 2020, at 2:00 pm.

Ceremony will include :

- Presentation on “Sackville Methodist Churches: Some Additional Facts,” by local historian Phyllis Stopps

- Dedication of Memorial Bell: Rev. Lloyd Bruce, Sackville United Church

- Ringing of the Bell

In the event of rain, the ceremony will be held in the tent outside Cranewood at 113 Main Street, directly opposite the bell.

Those attending are asked to wear masks and to respect social distancing.

Note: the ceremony will be live-streamed on the Sackville United Church Facebook page and will be available online thereafter.
Sackville Centennial Monument
5 AUGUST 2020
A significant historical monument in Sackville, N.B. has acquired a new lease of life this summer by the construction of a new access path.
The “Sackville Centennial Monument,” located in downtown Sackville at 120 Main Street, adjacent to the Mount Allison University “Swan Pond” and directly across Main Street from St. Paul’s Anglican Church, was commissioned by the Town to commemorate its incorporation in February 1903.  Incorporation meant the town became self-governing with the right to elect a Mayor and Town Council.
In 2002 the Tantramar Historic Sites Committee was asked to erect a suitable monument to commemorate the centennial of the 1903 incorporation. A sub-committee chaired by Paul Bogaard commissioned local artist Peter Manchester to design the monument.  Arrangements were made for the Town to lease the site of the proposed monument from Sackville United Church which owned the property at that time.
Various delays were encountered and the monument was finally unveiled on 24 September 2004. 
A decision was made to have the monument commemorate not just the 1903 incorporation but also the much earlier history of the community and specifically the “Five Founding Peoples” of Sackville in the 1700s. Thus one part of the monument consists of five square stone blocks, each topped with black polished marble, and bearing the names of the five founding peoples: MI’KMAQ, ACADIAN, PLANTER, YORKSHIRE AND LOYALIST.
Tantramar’s first people, the MI’KMAQ, were here long before the arrival of the first Europeans. French settlers, the ACADIANs, lived in the area from the early 1700s until the tragic events of the Deportation in 1755. They were replaced by the PLANTERs from New England in the 1760s.  Settlers from YORKSHIRE, England came in the 1770s, followed by LOYALISTs from the new United States in the 1780s.
The other part of the monument consists of two slender, square, stone pillars with four rectangular, bronze, historical plaques on each, containing information about the monument and what it commemorates. The full text of these eight plaques is available online on the Tantramar Heritage Trust website under “Tantramar Historic Sites” ; to access, Google “Sackville Centennial Monument.”
In 2004 the monument was largely surrounded by birch trees so that it was not readily visible from the road. The original intention was to have a path run from the Rotary Millennial Bridge (constructed in 2001), swinging round between the two pillars, and ending in a circle around the monument.  Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, this was not done at the time and the monument remained somewhat neglected because of problems of visibility and accessibility.
In 2012 most of the United Church property was acquired by Lafford Realty and in 2018-2019 a 35 unit seniors’ apartment building, “The Maples,” was erected on the site. This left the Centennial Monument in the area between the new apartment block and Main Street. Lafford agreed to landscape this area, and to construct the path originally planned to run from the Rotary Bridge to the monument. 
At this point the Rotary Club of Sackville stepped in and offered to fund the construction of a path from Main Street to the north side of the Bridge. This was done in co-operation with Mount Allison University which owns that piece of property.
Work on the new paths was undertaken in June and July 2020. The removal of trees on the site means that the monument is now clearly visible, while the new paths make it readily accessible.
Local residents and visitors alike now have an excellent opportunity to learn more of Sackville’s long and distinguished history.
The return of better weather has facilitated the completion of the installation of a new historical marker in downtown Sackville, N.B., - a memorial bell and a historical plaque commemorating “Sackville Methodist Churches.” Located in the corner of the Old Lower Sackville Methodist Cemetery at 112 Main Street, directly opposite “Cranewood,” the memorial consists of a 1,200 lb church bell salvaged from the 1898 Methodist/United Church when it was demolished in 2015. The plaque alongside the bell features information and pictures of the four successive Methodist churches which stood in this area of downtown Sackville between 1818 and 2015.
According to the inscription on the bell, it was cast by Meneely & Co., West Troy, New York in 1898, and was presented to Sackville Methodist Church by Mary Anne (Snowball) Black, wife of Hon. Joseph L. Black in October 1898. The bell was preserved by Lafford Realty who donated the bell for the memorial and contributed significantly to its creation. The site within the cemetery was used with the permission of Sackville United Church. The cost of the metal stand and the historical plaque was contributed by the Rotary Club of Sackville.
Methodism was brought to this area by Yorkshire settlers in the 1770s, and a Methodist chapel built in Middle Sackville in 1790 was among the first Methodist churches in Canada. The first downtown church was built in 1818 at the corner of Main and Bridge Streets (where the Powell Block now stands), diagonally across the street from the new memorial. Successive churches were built in 1838, 1876 and 1898 on the site now occupied by the apartment building directly adjacent to the memorial.
The new memorial and plaque are reminders of the important role played by Methodism in the history of Sackville. Methodist lay people who attended these churches, made major contributions to the community, especially to the founding and development of Mount Allison University.
The project was overseen by an advisory committee with representatives from Sackville United Church (Dave Fullerton, Phyllis Stopps, Lloyd Bruce), The Rotary Club of Sackville (Bill Evans, Dale Creelman), The Tantramar Heritage Trust (Al Smith, Paul Bogaard), and John Lafford; the group was chaired  by Charlie Scobie. Background research and the wording of the plaque was carried out by members of the group, and the design was by Leslie Van Patter.
Saturday, January 18th, seven Rotarians (Pat B.,Trish, Lesley, Bill, Marita, David and Sue F.) along with three   Rotaractors (Graeme, Nick and Caitlyn) crossed the border to assist Autumn House raise funds at their annual auction.  By all accounts the evening was a success.  Our Club contributed financially as a Gold Sponsor, a fact acknowledged on a banner.  Trish is shown with cheque-book out, a dangerous act according to hubby Bruce.
Autumn House offers services to women who have been abused by an intimate partner (husband, boyfriend, common-law spouse, same sex partner).  They provide shelter, counselling and community support services for women and their children.
The Rotary Club of Sackville is proud to be able to support Autumn House. 
The weather gods couldn’t have treated us any better as they gave us the perfect weather for our Annual Lobster Party.  Continuing the tradition of past years, 23 Sackville and Port Elgin Rotarians and their guests met at Sue Purdy’s cottage for Rotary’s Annual Lobster Party.  Judging by the camaraderie of the participants, fun was the optimum word.
  The highlight of the afternoon was the Washer Toss Tournament, where organizer George and his partner Ove defended last year's championship.  Alas, it was not to be!   While they were in the final, our newest Rotarian-to-be, Chris Fierella and his wife Alex took home all the hardware.      Chris here displays his winning form.  Other highlights of the serious opening round show Rotarians showing no mercy on their opponents.
For those who did not enter the contest, serious discussions were taking place around the oval table.  
As the afternoon wound down, the reason everyone came was put on display.  A hungry Shayne led the procession to the food table.
By 8:00 pm, the party ended and in typical Rotarian manner, the cleanup took no time at all.  We can report, however, most Rotarians left with full bellies.
Thanks, must go to Sue for allowing us to take over her cottage for the afternoon.  Us steak guys couldn’t have been happier as Doug grilled a mean steak, cooked to perfection.  The rest of the committee, Sandy, Bill and George all pitched in to make this a complete success, not only for the meal, but for the Tournament as well.
On Saturday, February 1st, the 28th annual Curl for Cancer Bonspiel was held at the Sackville Curling Club.  Thirty teams showed up and as usual, the Rotary Club was represented with a team.  While they did win both of their games, they were not the big winner.  That honor went to a team from Toronto.  In the grand scheme of things though, Cancer was the big winner, raising almost $16,000.
the club was represented by Dianne Oulton (skip), Dale Creelman (Vice), Susan Fisher (2nd) and Jamie Smith (lead).  The team raised  almost a thousand dollars.
By all accounts the Rotary Games night held on Friday February 1st was a resounding success.  20 + Rotarians, their families and Rotaracters showed up to play a variety of games.    Some enjoyed the evening more that others.
Rob was unbeatable in Left, Centre, Right as he won two straight games.  The ultimate happiness must go to       Lesley as she won not once, but two times during the night.    The big win was for the weekly 50-50, this week worth over $300.  Looking fo the Queen of Spades, that is exactly what she drew, ending weeks of unsuccessful drawings.  If that were not enough, she won a bonus draw that Patricia orchestrated to aid her next trip to South Africa.  Where there are winners, there is usually losers.      In this department, Sandy failed to draw the Ace of Spades in the new 50-50 weekly draw and Mariah was faced with pizza which is not on her diet.
As for the games the following pictures show the various games and activities contributing to a fun evening.
The evening concluded with the Rotaract Club presenting our club with a cheque for $200 + resulting from a cookie sale.  President Louise is shown accepting the cheque.    
December 7, 2018 was notable in more than one way.  It was the 78th Anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, it was one day before George's BIG birthday and it was the 2018 edition of our annual Christmas Party.    This years party was held at St. Annes Hall, on a cold and blustery night.  The highlight of the evening was the meal prepared by all members.  This photo shows what remains of the buffet table after members went through the line.  
Eating wasn't the only thing going on during the evening though!   During the week, Pam indicated that a new Rotarian from Moncton was collecting good used purses which she was going to fill with soap, shampoo, a tooth brush, toothpaste and other lady items for distribution to needy women in Moncton.      As can be seen by the picture, members stepped up and donated over 20 purses, which Pam planned to deliver to Moncton the next day.   Continuing the Christmas spirit, members open up their wallets to support the Rotary Club of Port Elgin in it's Christmas basket, the proceeds of which went to support the Imagination Library in Port Elgin.  The basket was lovely and as can be seen from the list of contents, very full with much needed items.      The evening was capped off with Santa's Elf (Patricia) distributing chocolate goodies to each table.  It was a great start to the Holiday season.
Photographer: Sandy
The 2018 in-house Paul Harris Evening was held at Cranewood on April 26.
The gathering was ably chaired by Susan F.
President John, sporting a stand-out tie, welcomed everyone, and extended a special thanks to RF Chair David for organizing the event.
David introduced the presentation of three Paul Harris Fellows, recognized by the club for their outstanding service. Two of the three were a surprise ! The recipients were duly pinned by PDG Pat. Here are our latest Paul Harris Fellows:
Gayle, introduced by Susan
Edna, introduced by Bill.
Josh, introduced by John.
Charlie introduced PDG Pat who was recognized as a Major Donor (contribution of $10,000 or more to the RF).  She is also a member of the Paul Harris Society (whose members have pledged to contribute $1,000 per year to the RF). 
A special message of appreciation from the Trustees of the RF was read, then President John presented a pin and pendant and a special crystal inscribed with Pat's name. 
Three multiple Paul Harris Fellows were then recognized, with PDG Pat doing the honours:
Dianne (PHF + 4)
David (PHF + 4)
John (PHF + 1)
David announced the award of 100 RF Recognition Points to some of the newer members of the club, as a way of encouraging them to begin contributing to the Foundation.
David made the presentation to Tammy.   Some other new members were unable to attend.
The evening concluded with the traditional group photo of all Paul Harris Fellows present :
Most of those present waited for a time of fellowship.
To coin a phrase, a good time was had by all.
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February 2025
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Club Mailing Address
Rotary Club of Sackville
P.O. Box 6331
Sackville, New Brunswick
E4L 1G6
Email: RotaryClubofSackville@gmail.com
Meet Our Current Directors
Vice President
Service Projects Chair / Director
Club Services Chair / Director
Director at Large
Director at Large
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