Photographer: Sandy
The 2018 in-house Paul Harris Evening was held at Cranewood on April 26.
The gathering was ably chaired by Susan F.
President John, sporting a stand-out tie, welcomed everyone, and extended a special thanks to RF Chair David for organizing the event.
David introduced the presentation of three Paul Harris Fellows, recognized by the club for their outstanding service. Two of the three were a surprise ! The recipients were duly pinned by PDG Pat. Here are our latest Paul Harris Fellows:
Gayle, introduced by Susan
Edna, introduced by Bill.
Josh, introduced by John.
Charlie introduced PDG Pat who was recognized as a Major Donor (contribution of $10,000 or more to the RF). She is also a member of the Paul Harris Society (whose members have pledged to contribute $1,000 per year to the RF).
A special message of appreciation from the Trustees of the RF was read, then President John presented a pin and pendant and a special crystal inscribed with Pat's name.
Three multiple Paul Harris Fellows were then recognized, with PDG Pat doing the honours:
Dianne (PHF + 4)
David (PHF + 4)
John (PHF + 1)
David announced the award of 100 RF Recognition Points to some of the newer members of the club, as a way of encouraging them to begin contributing to the Foundation.
David made the presentation to Tammy. Some other new members were unable to attend.
The evening concluded with the traditional group photo of all Paul Harris Fellows present :
Most of those present waited for a time of fellowship.
To coin a phrase, a good time was had by all.