Posted by Wayne Harper on Jun 16, 2017
Photography by Pam Harrison
  Joyce was in the Chair today.  Joyce came to Sackville in 1960 and as a new bride, wanted something to do.  She began marking exam papers in the English department and this expanded to other departments.  In 1970 she  was the Executive Secretary of the University Women and in 1980, went to work for the Administration office, eventually becoming the Executive Assistant to University President Donald Wells.  Wynn also eluded that she was a very good golfer.
 Gord Kline represented the Gold Mine Draw Charity-of-the-Week - Marshview middle school.  Gord, pictured left, is shown receiving a cheque for $598 from Rotarian Tony Carhart.
 For a Pin Pal story, Wayne tells how he and Sandy were delivering Jewellery to Cape Jourimain and ran into Sue Purdy, who was just leaving, as they arrived.  20 minutes later they were driving home when Wayne decided to visit Devon Strang (at the potato farm) to see if he would be a speaker at one of our weekly meetings.  He had just found a use for potatoes that normally would have been thrown out.  While talking to Devon, out popped Susan Purdy just finishing a tour.  Samples (vodka) were then enjoyed.  Wynn didn't look much different as he celebrated being another year older.There were no visiting Rotarians and Gord Kline from Marshview Middle School was an eventual guest.  Makeups were in short supply with only the Gold Mine Committee meeting and Pam visiting the Amherst Club.  Amherst will be celebrating the 80th anniversary of Camp Tidnish in July.  See picture for details. 
  Once again, Edna tried to give away $465 in the 50-50 draw.  Mary had her ticket drawn but failed to pick the 9  , instead drawing the 8 .  Close, but no cigar!  With three cards remaining in the deck, perhaps someone will be really, really happy next week.
Speaking of happy, 7 members and a guest were happy this week.  Josh was happy and lucky, but this author doesn't know why (must fire the note-taker)...............Wynn continued to bankroll the Club with several happy dollars.  He was happy to have celebrated another birthday.  He fondly remembers how good a golfer Chairperson Joyce was but sadness set in as he can't remember ever, not golfing this late in June............Dale announced that he and Linda will celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary this week.  The good news was that he remembered.............Bill was happy to have returned from Trudeauville where he fondly remembers holding his new grandson.  Welcome to the club Bill..............Stacey is ecstatic that as of noon this Friday, she is officially a lawyer.............Sue F.  thanked and named all the members who worked each week to administer the Breakfast Program at Marshview.  She and David were less happy with the 26-hour flight from Normandy (or was it Norway).  Seems they are not big on Air Cancelled..............Trish was happy to be back after a whole winter learning to speak French.  She now feels confident about taking on the Nort Shore.  She and Bruce also just returned from wedding in Naples...........Guest Gord Kline was happy to thank our Club for all the support we supply to kids and the dollars that help support his school.
Duty Roster Next Week
Chairperson       Louise            Greeter        Gayle
Introducer           Susan F.        Thanker        Charlie
Speaker              Joanne Murray from the John Howard Society
With the exception of the Gold Mine Draw committee, the are no committee meetings scheduled next week.
In Committee reports, Gayle re-circulated the sign up sheet for the upcoming BBQ on June 29th.  This year it will be held at the home of John Murchie & Gemey Kelly............John spoke of the bursary committee, citing this year there were 25 applicants.  One notable change, less students are applying for NBCC & NSCC and more to Universities.  He noted that a large percentage of applicants are from single parent families and thus can really use the funds.  To this end, the committee is recommending that we award a third bursary next year..........Sue F.  reported that she has sufficient volunteers to man the Salem Send Off on this Saturday at Salem Elementary School.  Members on the first shift should be at the school before their 1:00 pm shift start...........Pam indicated that she needed $300 more in grocery card purchases to meet this week's goal of $1,000.
President Josh indicated that the Board voted to accept that our funds for the original water project in India will now be diverted to another water project in India. Members wanting more information can contact Josh or Trish for details.
Susan P.  introduced today's speaker - Elizabeth Wells, the Dean of Arts at MTA.  This is Elizabeth's 8th or 9th time as a speaker, and every one has been a different topic.  
Today she brought forth a new passion - Hypnosis.  She is now a certified clinical hypnotist.  So what is hypnosis?
It is extremely old – goes back to Egyptian times.  It is a simple idea: your subconscious runs everything, but your conscious mind is always “chattering” and interfering.  People are put into a light or deep state of relaxation, to make helpful suggestions directly to the subconscious.  Hypnosis is used for relaxation and stress relief, smoking cessation, addictive or unhealthy behaviours and habits, weight management, getting rid of “negative self talk”, getting at root causes of negative or destructive behaviours, memory enhancement and dentistry or even surgery.  Currently, hypnosis is being performed by dentists, doctors, psychologists and practitioners who also do other therapies or modalities.  
    Hypnosis works by getting a person into a relaxed state, a quiet place by a series of relaxation phrases, which allow the person to go into a trance-like state.    There are a few myths about hypnosis.  You are not “unconscious” – you are aware all the time.  If you don’t want to be hypnotized, it won’t work – all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. You won’t do anything that you wouldn’t normally do or that goes against your beliefs or ethics.  You can’t suddenly do something (like lift a heavy weight) that you could not do otherwise.  You don’t “tell secrets” or do anything embarrassing.  You always wake up because the hypnotist’s voice is what keeps you in trance.  The benefits of hypnosis are many.  There is a release from behaviors or negative thought patterns, more feeling of control in your life, a reduction in anxiety, insomnia and other outgrowths of stress.  The biggest reason people go is to stop smoking and it can be practiced by oneself, self-hypnosis and suggestion.   
Elizabeth was thanked by Bill with the presentation of a book, in her name, to a local library.  She received a certificate and official Rotary pen/stylus.
 The meeting was adjourned with the repeating of the 4-way-test.