Posted by Sandy Harper on Jul 28, 2019

President David McKeller was today’s Chair.  We met at 5:30 for supper at the Painted Pony before the meeting.

Today’s guests were Darrell’s wife- Margarite Harvey, Dale’s wife- Linds Creelman, Bill’s wife -Heather Patterson and Honorary member- Pat Estabrooks.  Sharon Meldrum was a visiting Rotarian.


Leslie pulled the 7 of clubs and lost out in winning $90.


Happy Toonies-

Wynn enjoyed the dinners he bought at our last auction- seafood at the Harveys’ and chicken and bison with Trish.Yum, keep this in mind for our upcoming auction.

Sue Fisher got an emergency phone call from her 24 year old son when he broke his glasses- “please help! “ She is looking forward to golf next week now that she understands the rules allow for kicking and throwing the golf ball and scoring isn’t necessary.

Dianne managed 4 days in the car with her husband as they drove to visit the grandchildren.  Bedtime stories were the highlight of her visit.

Trish has finally got a new deck on her cottage at St. Olaf.


President David chose this meeting and venue to inspire our membership with his vision and plans for the next Rotary year.  He began by quoting Rotary International president Mark Maloney:


“While the club remains the core of the Rotary experience, we are now far more creative and flexible in deciding - what a club can be, how it can meet, and even what can be considered a Rotary meeting.  We need to be organized, strategic, and innovative in how we approach membership, forging wider and deeper connections to our communities and forming new club models to attract and engage more — and more -- diverse members.


It is also important to grow Rotary with its service to community and the world.  Membership is a priority and needs growth so 3 classifications are being promoted - family, corporate and our regular membership.  Growth can happen by developing partnerships within our community.  David has begun this strategy with the Refugee coalition and the Sackville Commons.


Through his leadership, he plans to encourage the club to be more diverse and inclusive.


Rotaractors have now been given the full status of a Rotarian member.


He would like to experiment with breakfast, lunch and dinner meetings and the format of the meetings.


Club assemblies will be used to discuss the progress of these changes.


