Rotary Club of Sackville Bulletin February 23, 2017
Posted by Charlie Scobie on Feb 23, 2017
Photographer: Sandy Harper

Moyra Boone was on hand bright and early to collect her $2,297 Gold Mine winnings from Charlie.
Chairman Josh arrived just in time to lead the singing of “O Canada.”

50-50 Draw: Sue F’s number was drawn but she failed to pick the 9 of Clubs. The pot of $274 carries forward to next week.
Guests: Tony was a guest (for the last time), and there was a special welcome for his wife Marilyn.
Birthday: Edna was absent last week so was retroactively serenaded with “Happy Birthday.”
Happy Dollars: Edna’s daughter, home for the break, was due to leave today but her flight was cancelled so she gets another day of home cooking. Rotaract had their Chili Sale in a blizzard so Sue F was offering frozen chili at $5 a container (she did a brisk business). Sandy will be selling her jewelry at the Moncton Fashion Show on Saturday and was giving away free tickets to the event. Diane gave a sports update - she went to a basketball game (playing against Crandall University Mount A won in overtime); then home to watch curling. This Saturday there will be a bonspiel in memory of Cecil Hicks. Tony is happy he and his family have found a place they like to call home (Sackville !) Sue P was just happy to be here. Louise took last Friday off and went to Halifax with 7 other girls on a shopping expedition to buy a dress.
Next Week 2 March 2017: Chair: Wayne; Greeter: Mary; Introducer: David; Thanker: Josh; Speaker: Christopher Falconer, Dorchester Consolidated School.

Induction of New Member: David presided at the induction of Tony Carhart as a new member of the Rotary Club of Sackville. Gayle who proposed Tony as a new member introduced him to the club. He has purchased the Foodland Store from Sobey’s and has plans to develop it. He and Marilyn (who is a TRHS graduate) have a daughter, and a son who works in the store. This is his 5th move and he intends to stay. David summarized the ideals of Rotary and spoke of both the responsibilities and the rewards of being a Rotarian. Josh presented the Rotary pin, and all present shook hands with Tony to welcome him to Rotary.
President’s Time: Josh thanked Charlie for providing information from the archives on the 1987-88 joint Rotary/Town project to build the “Booster Pump.” The Town is going to rebuild the facility and will be approaching Rotary for help. The next breakfast will be on 1 April (no kidding); a sign-up sheet will be circulated next week.
Club Assembly: Josh passed on information from Trish about the joint Rotary project near Nagpur, India in which we are participating.

The idea for this came from Becky Stewart when she visited the area with a District 7810 Rotary Group Study Exchange. There are two linked projects. One will work to conserve water in several watershed areas in a region where drought is a huge issue for farmers. The other will help provide potable water by installing water filtration systems in a group of seven villages. This will include bringing drinkable water to the Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve benefitting visitors, guards and guides at the reserve. The project is a great example of Rotary co-operation with support from 7 clubs in south-east New Brunswick (plus the Fredericton Sunrise club) working along with the Rotary Club of Nagpur. The New Brunswick clubs are contributing $30,000 USD to the two projects. An application is being made for a Rotary Foundation Global Grant. Special thanks to Trish for the huge amount of work involved in organizing a project of this size on our behalf (continuing while she is on leave !)
Gold Mine: Gayle mentioned how much we owe to the 9 businesses that have the Gold Mine blue boxes. It is proposed to invite them to an Appreciation Night. Stay tuned.
Circulation: Sue P noted that members tend to sit in the same seats each week. Her message: circulate ! and get to meet and speak to different people each week.

Gold Mine (again): Barbi Kaye came to accept a cheque for $567.50 on behalf of Dorchester Consolidated School.
The meeting closed with the Four-Way Test.
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