Photographer: Jamie
Ove chaired the meeting and for his 2-minute bio recalled his experiences in the 1960s working on a railroad gang in Saskatchewan while teaching English to some of his Ukrainian fellow-workers at night.  Hard work, but lots of money.  One hot day he was prevailed upon to try chewing tobacco, but after a while didn’t feel so good.  He crawled under a truck and in a while was looking decidedly green. The foreman crawled in after him and demanded to know, “Are you spittin’ ?” It took aeons to get fully back into shape.  We live and learn.
Birthdays:  Both Joyce and Tim were a year older this week.  So as it happens was her Majesty the Queen (and so would have been Jake who shared the Queen’s birthday).
50-50 Draw:  John’s number was drawn but he failed to pick the Jack of Clubs.  The pot now stands at $91.
Happy Dollars:  Charlie’s twin grandson are visiting but he declined to enlarge on their artistic and literary achievements; they’re not keen to return to the U.S. but would prefer to stay in Canada.  John echoed their preference for this side of the border; he was also happy that the Amherst Golf Club is about to open.  Wynn was in court with another lawyer representing the opposing side; luckily Josh was not too hard on him.  Dianne, Frank and Louis are heading for Halifax, via Peggy’s Cove; they’ll be seeing “Shrek” at Neptune Theatre.  Edna thanked Mary for filling in while she was away.  Sue is also heading for Halifax to a major, 3-day vets’ conference - designed to be a learning experience.
Next Week:  Chair - Sandy;   Greeter & Introducer - Wynn;   Thanker - David;   Speaker - David Bruce.
Fundraising:   Jamie circulated a sign-up sheet for the Spring Bash, and reminded people to SELL TICKETS.
Speaker:  Wayne introduced frequent guest speaker, Mount A Music Prof, Anglican deacon, next Dean of Arts, President of Sackville Community Association Elizabeth Wells  who gave a talk on the Association- “What We Do” and “How to Become Involved.”  
The Association began in the 1960s with local churches taking the lead.  Their major project is Christmas Cheer which helps some 250 needy families in the E4L area.  The program includes vouchers for local stores (Foodland, Independent), fruit baskets for elderly and shut-ins, toys and used clothing, gift cards for teens.  Help is also offered throughout the year e.g. to those who can’t afford oil/electricity, to those with medical expenses and to transients.  Youth are a special concern and some are helped to attend summer camps.   Some $30,000 is raised annually mainly through donations by members of the community.   How can we become involved ?  -  by donating to the Association,  - by continuing our Gold Mine support,  - by volunteering,  - by letting the Association know of local families in need. 
George expressed the club’s thanks  -  it’s good to know that some of our Gold Mine money is going to such a good local cause.
Gold Mine Presentations:
A cheque for $498 was presented to Elizabeth Wells for the Sackville Community Association
And one for $494 to Gayle for the Sackville Food Bank.
The meeting closed with the Four-Way Test.